The Lion Of Judah {2011}
Tipe : Animation
Size : 2.028 GB
Tame : 1H 27Min
Year :2012
Adventures of a brave Follow the lamb (Judah) and his friends
theytry stable as to prevent the sacrifice of altering the Easter before
the crucifixion of Christ . It is a moving account of the Easter story
as seenthrough the eyes of a lovable pig (Horace) , a faint-hesrted horse
(Monty) , a rat pedantic (Slink) . a rooster walking (Drake) , a motherlycow
(Esmay) and downtrodden donkey (Jack). This periodpiece magnificent ,
with its epic sets is a roller coaster of emotions . Envelopedin humor , this search
continues the stable animals in Bethlehemto the great temple in jerusalem and on the
slopes of Calvary asthese unlikely heroes try to save his friend . The
journey through the biblical weavesseamlessly Plan Sunday Jesus turning the
tables in the temple , Peter's denial and as tense , heartbreaking climax ,
representing the crucifixion and resurrection withgentleness and beauty ...